blankitosonic replied to Hp and Stamina reg over long play seem to drop off September 5, 2022 @ 5:09:38 pm PDT

Originally posted by SilverSpeedy:
I did some tests. Food that does 5 hp per minute. Day time rested you get 7.5 hp. Night time with rested bonus but cold debuff you get 3.8 hp per min. This also goes for stamina reg. Since the game is not finished, wiki at can be helpful while other times is useless. I played games were wiki was good then stuff changed in game which made the wiki useless and wrong info listed.

Night time is not the issue. I can go in swamps and kill leeches and wraiths without a second thought. For wraith is parry dagger=quick death before second attack. Getting groups of monsters is hard to get hp/stamina trying to run away.
Hp regen depends on what food you eated ...not just rested ans resting bonus - cold/wet
Best stamina food that gives well hp regen are turnip stew and carrot soup ( 2hp/s each )
Hp food for hp regen serpent stew and lox pie ...( 4 hp/s each )
2:13 am, September 6, 2022
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