Vishankashot replied to Question Regarding Skill upgrades. February 2, 2022 @ 3:54:01 am PST

Originally posted by GunsForBucks:
Damage seems RNG to a range. Skill increases are small so it isn't really too obvious when you level up. When you really notice it is when you hit a "break point" where suddenly it only takes two hits to chop down the tree rather than 3. Bow skill vs trolls really illustrates this well.

Alternatively it becomes painful when a death puts you back below that break point ha ha.
Yea that's what i'm thinking, i can't tell if i'm doing more than i normally do. I saw on maybe tools and stuff (Chopping and mining) but fighting nah.

The dying part is a bit of a bummer of how much the points drop down like a lead balloon. I can understand if it goes down a few points. but had a death due too a unlucky invasion in the snow (Hunt). and lost around 12+ points into mining and a dozen or so into a variety of other skills. lol
12:13 pm, February 2, 2022
Vishankashot 0 comments 0 likes