Aimee replied to Seriously troll raids?! October 23, 2021 @ 9:49:22 am PDT

Originally posted by morrganstain:
Thats not true. Its very easy to kite mobs in this game. If there is a raid with mobs too difficult or too many to fight you can just kite them around untill the attack is over, then lead them away from the base and loose them in the forest. That strategy works with litterally zero defensive structures in place. All you need is some terrain to kite around stuff.
I am pretty sure this is false.
Trolls prioritize destroying building blocks over attacking the player, so unless you manage to agro them enough, and you cant do that in a horde, they will always attack whatever you have build.

What i dont get is why this is in the game in the first place, considering the game revolves so much around building that the last update was almost focused entirely on this aspect of the game.
Destroying player made structures seems weird to me, considering how many complex and time consuming structures players make and share online of this game.

A mote might help, but if that is the only counter against this and that does not exactly work when building near water. It seems like a weird mechanic.

Almost as if the developers forgot that not all enemies in a horde give the same challenge or result.
5:13 pm, October 23, 2021
Aimee 0 comments 0 likes