rom replied to The mistlands mechanics are really bad. January 5, 2023 @ 6:32:22 pm PST
You have those who love the mistland as is and those who truly hate the fog and the silly mechanics behind removing it. The solution is just what everyone keep saying provide better options to remove greater areas of the mist. So if you love the game as is you can keep running around in the fog and if you hate it give us cool new options to remove it. The final solution is for the dev's to put in a server side option to shut the fog off period. That way I can go in and shut it off. As with most of the valhiem world they kinda of half ass everything like initially being destroyed by the mistland creatures in the meadows because everyone builds with wood (oops).. Not sure how that got overlooked... Hell they added all the new granite blocks and didn't even add the same blocks for stone which are just re-skins. They tend to focus in on one thing and leave wide areas of important items unaddressed. They need to get a real road map together and stick too it or just take the money and say we are millionaires now thank you and we are done.
6:13 am, January 6, 2023