INC3NSUS replied to Cartog table.. my least favorite implement that could have been awesome February 11, 2023 @ 4:13:57 pm PST

true, was hoping for some feedback of players first.. pretty sure no dev reads these. But a way to refresh the table so that it has only what the others CURRENTLY ARE SEEING on their maps... like latest update so you don't have 20 pins if they changed some names for one. Ability to delete all pins of a player first before that maybe so you could choose, which would also allow you to get rid of pins of players not currently playing with you anymore. Add colors of pins, able to maybe mark a boss pin if its got a port so your not trying to overlay a pin.. those are just for starters.
6:13 am, February 12, 2023
INC3NSUS 0 comments 0 likes