knighttemplar1960 replied to "Take all" prioritization needs some serious workarounds. December 28, 2022 @ 4:40:52 pm PST

Originally posted by Faceplant8:
Originally posted by knighttemplar1960:
Press "V" to turn auto gather off while you are walking to your corpse location. That way you don't pick up extras that interfere with grabbing every thing when you reach your gravestone.

That doesn't help if you were using Megingjord and/or if you equped some armor/weapons before you returned.

IMO, I think just selecting your grave marker should grab at least what is possible (without having to even "take all"), and should prioritize armor, weapons, food, etc. I don't currently need a stack of rock or greydwarf eyes, thank you! :-)
All depends on your play style. I don't rush into where I'm getting swarmed and can't recover things. I'll get the attention of one or 2 baddies and then fight in retrograde away from them and what ever other nasty surprises may lurk there. If I get killed in that situation I respawn where I have my bed set (always the main base) where there is lots of food and the highest rest number available and I can grab a single stamina potion just in case. If I was silly and was playing through the night I'll sleep so the spawn rate goes back to normal. I'll eat, make sure that my rested buff is maxed, and portal to the closest portal that I have set up (which I keep close to the area I'm exploring for just this reason).

I'll walk through relatively safer areas and then go into sneak mode when it gets dangerous. If I can sneak up to my corpse mission accomplished. Since I turned auto gather off all I have to do is eat the stamina potion and I can recover my entire corpse. The first thing I equip is the Megingjord, the 2nd thing is my shield, the third thing is my melee weapon. Then I sneak away while equipping the rest of my gear.

If the mobs are guarding my corpse and I can't sneak up on it. I'll put the stamina potion in my hot bar, get their attention, and sprint at a 90 degree angle to my path to the corpse and the corpse location. When I run out of stamina, if they are still on my tail, I drink the stamina potion and keep sprinting. If they kill me at this point no big deal. My inventory is empty so it won't leave a grave marker behind and its not going to cost me any more skill points to die again at this time.

If I out ran the guards then I circle around in sneak mode and can get to my grave marker. If I died I get to rest and eat at home again and the guards are far from my marker so I can recover myself easily.

The only time I ever had to grab old equip was when I had to go through any amount of plains and all I grabbed was my old bow and a stack of arrows. You can't out run deathsquitos and if you dodge when they attack they immediately attack again so I had to sneak and snipe the deathsquitos and when I got to my corpse I just chose 2 stacks of stuff I didn't need that had been previously auto gathered and left it behind.

Selecting your grave marker does autogather everything on your corpse if you have enough open inventory slots to hold it all and you aren't overweight without equipping the Megingjord.
3:13 am, December 29, 2022
knighttemplar1960 0 comments 0 likes