Disaster Theory replied to Valheim makes me nauseous April 4, 2022 @ 12:07:18 pm PDT

Originally posted by Raj:
Hey guys, I've tried to play this game a few times but every time I play it, after a shortwhile I start to get nauseous. Does anyone have any suggestions as to settings or something that might help?

I feel your pain.

Turn Motion Blur off

Turn down your mouse sensitivity

Always play with the camera as far back as it will go

In crypts and burial chambers zoom the camera in to just behind your back so the roof and walls don't constantly move it in and out from collision.

As others have said, a well lite room helps.

Turn your gamma up on your monitor so the game isn't so "dark" .... I have had this issue when the game goes to night of heavy fog rolls in. Its like my eyes attempt to adjust and strain to see further.

I hope this helps, I also switched to a curved monitor and a lot of my issues went away.
11:13 pm, April 5, 2022
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