Johnny Silverhand replied to Why can Draugrs (and others) still shoot arrows/attack while completely underwater? December 12, 2022 @ 8:31:26 pm PST
haven't read such bs in a while. game is in damn early access they should be glad about player feedback.
THIS! Why dont we get anchors and ropes for harbors to secure the boats. No Viking would have his ship floating around like this....
Physics on the boat stops when everyone gets off. The boat will just bob up and down but not float away.
If you're having trouble with your boat getting destroyed, then do something about it. This thread is not doing something about it. Building some protection around your boat would do something about it. Make sure all the enemies have been killed around your boat is doing something about it. Or just take the quick and dirty way of destroying your boat and putting the resources in a chest is doing something about it.
Seriously, do some problem solving.
When you take damage from an enemy, do you do something about it or go make a thread about how the enemies cause damage?
Enemies cause damage, even to boats. Do something about it.
if it's intended I hope devs overthink this "feature" because it's super annoying when i build a swamp base and go the extra mile to build a pier like 80m from shore to secure my ship and some draugr with a bow just walks towards it underwater and destroys it while im gone. Don‘t know if it‘s intended but it was in the game from the beginning.
I don't get why all mobs must be able to swim at all, i get its hardcore but damn i hate to come back to my base only to find my ship destroyed its not even fun, its just a drag and a giant f u to the player imo
if you would've read i tried doing something about it but the game still finds a way to f up my effort, great design btw
This right here is also a good example, happened so many times that one of them just walked right under my boat and theres no way to defend against it. sure you can drive the boat away and then try to shoot the thing in the water but then you have to deal with the terrible aiming angles while shooting from a boat, the takeaway here is, if simple stuff like this is frustrating then its bad design. I doubt it is intentional, more liekly the devs just didn't add code to the arrow mechanics to make them slow down rapidly in water and IG just hasen't gotten round to fixing it or they just don't care about it.
Personally it ticks me of to no end. I've had a few Karves shot out from under me when I couldn't even get a line of sight on the attackers. Then I had to go back and get my gear in another boat with the mobs still camping under my marker. Did not like.
6:13 am, December 13, 2022