Karma replied to Some issues........ February 27, 2022 @ 2:24:45 pm PST
I would say that this issue is not really your fault. Can you get on board with that? Ok good.
You need to make a shortcut to the Valheim executable and add -console to the end. Boot up game, start it up.
type F5 to bring up console.
god to become invulnerable.
you can now use the goto x,y command to teleport yourself. First number negative values are to the left of your spawn point on the map, positive to the right. I think positive is Up and negative is down for the second. It will take some trial and error.
Now you can get your stuff, go back to base, deactivate god mode, devcommands off and reclaim your game.
Yes it is cheating. If you'd rather start over due to a bug, thats up to you.
Sounds like a bug to me. In this case I agree with @joemama1512. You should use a cheat to get at least back to your bed. From there on reclaim your body the usual way.
Definitely sounds like a bug and I think, particularly in this case, that using dev commands is more of a contingency than a cheat.
12:13 am, February 28, 2022