Renlish replied to Why are comments on updates locked? October 20, 2022 @ 11:02:57 pm PDT

They are doing things at their pace. People think that they are entitled to get updates or a finished game faster... Pro tip, that's not how Early Access works but most people who are complaining either don't know or don't care. THEY WANT IT NOW. And they're getting abusive. I don't blame them for turning comments off. The vitriol and abuse achieves absolutely nothing.

Do I think IG are being smart about their updates? Nope. Do I think they're handling communications to their community effectively? HELL NO. At this point they're probably losing as many fans as they're gaining. But it is what it is. They probably know that the Mistlands update better be heckin' awesome or else the wailing and gnashing of teeth will be deafening - and rightly so.
8:13 am, October 21, 2022
Renlish 0 comments 0 likes