SiEgE replied to I lost a castle it completely dissapeared and i feel like crying May 31, 2021 @ 11:50:58 pm PDT

Originally posted by Takezo:
I spent about 1000 Iron 10000 stone 100000 wood and more on a castle in one of my worlds, today i logged into it and it COMPLETELY vanished, i spent SO many hours on it and now it just completely disappeared, can anyone help me get it back?
Did the state of the save reverted? Do you still have the resources?
Or did it "unload" the castle from that chunk, leaving it looking as if you didn't even touch the ground there?

I assume it might be an issue on map save part. Possibly, too much stuff appeared there the game couldn't save all the changes?
Do you have any mods?

When a glitch ate all your resources, you are totally justified to spawn all those resources back with developer console commands.
8:13 am, June 1, 2021
SiEgE 0 comments 0 likes