$100 Bill replied to Came back to see if they fixed building glitches, nope. November 21, 2021 @ 8:41:12 am PST

Originally posted by GunsForBucks:
Originally posted by $100 Bill:
Spitting-balling here...maybe he used the wrong word. I got 3 hours in game. Haven't seen any glitches. With that said, trying to align building parts is stupid-tedious.
It gets much easier when you figure out how the system works.
Honestly I think it works quite well. There are some idiosyncrasies but once you learn to work with them it becomes fairly quick and simple to throw something functional together.

I see now, not too bad. Best to start with the frame before the walls.
6:13 pm, November 21, 2021
$100 Bill 0 comments 0 likes