Varagonax replied to Bad stamina mechanics get nerfed in the ground when they needed a buff September 26, 2021 @ 9:12:49 pm PDT
I disagree, but I play very outpost heavy. Its really not so hard to have a basic fire shelter with a portal near your preferred locations and when you need to get more rested buff its right there, just a little jaunt from the mines as it were. the minimum of a basic buff is nearly always enough for me to fill my pockets and head back without issue so long as my outpost placement is smart. I think i speak for everyone when i say stamina is the limiting factor in how fun this game is.
Stamina was never really an issue for me, so long as I wasn't wet, cold AND tired. And with a resting station everywhere a portal was beneficial goes a long ways to solving the stamina issue.
Now I haven't tried the new foods yet, but its EA and they are listening and modifying problem areas as needed. But given what I understand about how food works now, you should have more options about stamina ANYWAYS.
Mind you I played a TON of dark souls so maybe my stamina management is something I had to learn, and that's where the difference lies.
5:13 am, September 27, 2021