belthize replied to Severe de-sync lag (especially with DSL). Long lag solution (last update) February 13, 2021 @ 9:43:57 am PST

Originally posted by Cooltrain:
It seemed like you were slowly testing towards realising the game is P2P (As someone said above). All the "Dedicated" server does is host the world/save, and keep the connection open, that's it.

Actually it was pretty apparent from how they set up hosted connections and how the dedicated server set up worked that the latter was essentially a p2p hub. Mostly I was proving it not deducing it.

The dedicated server doesn't even do any sanity check from the client input. If you're lagging and start stuffing coal in a smelter you can easily get 25 or more in rather than the 20 limit before the game notices, likewise you can get 15 or more ore in rather than the 10 limit.

I agree moving to a traditional server model isn't going to happen anytime soon but if they could cut the client upload traffic in half they'd pretty much get rid of most of the lag issues since it's so close to the DSL limit.

I imagine if there was a poll among people who experience lag the vast majority would have a DSL connection, the remainder probably have very bad internal wireless.

9:13 pm, February 9, 2023
belthize 0 comments 0 likes