MistrBill replied to Least useful skills? January 29, 2022 @ 5:13:33 am PST

Originally posted by TyresTyco:
To be honest I wouldnt feel the difference at all unless I play one high lvl skills character literally next to the fresh one.. probably.

If I make 11 dmg compared to the 10 at some point I dont really care. Same goes for stamina stuff. Increasing stats via far to small numbers isn't that interesting nor engaging at least for me. Never cared about these. Which is a shame. Skill systems should be interesting.

Originally posted by Landorf:

Just do not bother about skill level - this is my advice. You dont want to die in this game, but you will. And trying to regain skills back on easy targets is a wasting of time. There's almost no difference between 50 and 55, so just stop to think of it (sorry for my eng).

This has been my impression also. The effect of skills on game play feels pretty muted. And I've seen you tube videos demonstrating the difference between skill 0 and 100. It's noticeable, but mostly there's not a VAST difference, even between the lowest skill level and the highest.

That's fair enough for game balance. I don't want a Superman viking who leaps up, wrassles drakes out of the sky and beats them to death. Wait a minute, that would be pretty cool...
3:13 pm, January 29, 2022
MistrBill 0 comments 0 likes