MOW replied to Thoughts on the bosses March 23, 2022 @ 1:19:05 pm PDT

Yeah my main gripe with this game is the lack of flexibility. It's open world yet it feels so restrictive and closed. I just beat bonemass just minutes ago truly a terrible boss. aside from having basically what everyone else has as far as weapon and poison protect, the boss just doesn't make much sense. When he does his aoe poison cloud its best to.... run in and hit him?

My first attempt I was avoiding the aoe and fighting the adds, I didn't do much damage to him and ended up in a draw. Now since I ran away he got in a really bad spot. I ended up fighting an Abomination while bonemass was after me, that wasn't fun but it didn't kill me what did kill me was a 1 star draugr I parried his attack but his high knockback flung me into the water, since I wasn't near the water I barely went in but then another attacker shot me with a bow knocking me deep into the water... even with an army attacking and being stuck in deep swimming water I nearly got out of it. There was also like 4 leeches in the water. total there was 8-12 things trying to attack me including bonemass. But once I got bonemass into a good position and wasn't pulling the entire swamp he was quite easy.

The other 2 bosses were just really lame I just stood there and parried their attacks and they died. Bonemass was fun for me but in a really bad way... it was fun because I pulled him to a bad spot. If I had kept him where he spawned he would of been lame. Yes I found it fun having the swamp army after me while I fought him.
12:13 am, March 24, 2022
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