Grailoch replied to Looking for advice - Permadeath/No portals run. May 29, 2022 @ 7:22:29 pm PDT

Originally posted by Alji:
I used portals so that helped me, but I am not sure I would have even persisted without portals given the boss locations I have on this map seed. GL with your effort.

But you have inspired me. I think I'll try a no portals run next.

I kind of felt as though I needed to do this.

My first toon only killed Eikthyr, then cheesed iron and silver with door clipping and stagbreaker. He is as far as he can get without dragon tears, so kinda in limbo. He used portals. He died very often.

Second did everything vanilla style with a major cheese. I used crypt keys and wishbone for iron/silver on this one. He has killed all but Yagaluth and is in Padded with blackmetal weapons. I could finish his run pretty quick. I used portals AND super cheese world hopping to move metals to smelter. I did this just to speed up gameplay with my focus on killing bosses the first toon never killed.

So, here I am. I am a cheater. I needed to do this in order to prove to myself that I could play the game as intended. No portals and permadeath are just my self inflicted punishment for my first two toons cheese.
8:13 am, May 30, 2022
Grailoch 0 comments 0 likes