ᔑᓭ∴ᔑリ⊣ replied to Why do all crafting/survival games end up focus on designing homes? (QQ) November 15, 2021 @ 2:51:03 am PST

"Majority of the population are hooked on home making and turn over from reality TV."
oh wow
i never knew the entire minecraft playerbase was reality TV fans
this makes perfect sense

But seriously, how do you even get to that conclusion lmao? i don't think i've ever seen a single person in my life mix up the average boomer/soccer-mum and the average video-gamer/nerd into a single audience before (of course those who are both exists, but they are definitely not the majority)

if you want a game that's purely about fighting and Anything except building, then go play a fighting game or a story-focus game, or literally any game that isn't put in the 'survival' or 'sandbox' category because these ones are not for you my buddy (what did you think 'sandbox' means??)
may i recommend some other key words to focus on instead, such as: RPG, MMO, fighter, open-world.. etc?

survival/crafting games put focus into base-building because, when you are trying to survive multiple nights somewhere without civilisation, it is only logical that you craft a shelter for yourself. and because it's a video game, people want to have FUN with that.

and this isn't even including the reasons why people create things just in general, which man i really hope you already know and i'm just misreading the implications of the OP, Otherwise you are one of the reasons i grew up in a salty vat of spite and unreadable steam usernames. lol
sorry, that^ kind of rubbed me the wrong way, so apologies if i come off as super rude here.. well, i'm not really sorry, that's a lie, but still
12:13 pm, November 15, 2021
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