jonnin replied to Seeds That Make You Explore Or Not June 26, 2021 @ 10:58:55 am PDT

Having sat in the online mapmaker for a while, most seeds seem to be pretty much the same.
they all have a great many islands of various sizes, where there is sort of a ring of
ice/fire in the north/south, mistlands in a middle region alongside the usual, and the primary meadows/forest/swamp/plains in the middle. You always start in the middleish.
the big differences are..
- where the vendor is hiding
- where the boss alters are
- whether you have (m?)any extra large or extra small or extra "just right for a home" islands.
- how meh your starting location is.
- all that with 'are the available swamps and mountains too sucky to have any ore'.

I like to explore, but the vendor and the bad swamp/mountains ruin a map.
8:13 pm, June 26, 2021
jonnin 0 comments 0 likes