GunsForBucks replied to Dying in the mountains - impossible to retreive Items April 7, 2022 @ 10:05:37 am PDT

Originally posted by captainamaziiing:
Get better gear before you go into the mountains. Wolves shouldn't be one shotting you. Drakes shouldn't be two shotting you. Then your first priority with wolf pelts is to make the cape, as it gives you frost/ cold resistance. No need for fires or frost meads.
I think what they are saying is that now that they died in the mountains and it is their spawn point.. they don't have food, potions or gear now.

So naked in the mountains I can see that, ha ha.

I think it is kind of sad they resorted to god mode for their own mistake. It isn't like the game is unfair or anything... but it will let you get yourself in a whole world of trouble!

Taking your lumps is part of the learning process.
5:13 pm, April 7, 2022
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