The Shattered Grin replied to FPS drop March 3, 2021 @ 8:13:40 am PDT

Originally posted by Rossignol:
Config :
GTX 1660 TI (notebook)
AMD RYZEN 7 3750h
16 GO ram

Hello there, I think I saw all video about improving FPS issues :

- add lines in boot.config
- launch option full screen
- put the high priority in task manager
- set all the options to max performance etc ...
- I put the game in ultra low even the resolution
- using vulkan

But I still have every minutes( it depends when i discover new lands it is more frequent ), 5 or 10 seconds of ultra low fps ( maybe 2 fps )

I can Run Monster Hunter full resolution and medium settings in 60 fps constant
I can Run Battlefield V et Battlefield I in medium settings at 50/60 fps
Even Cyberpunk was running around 30 fps and I never had a drop

I used HWM monitor and my CPU temperature is around 100°C in Valheim and 92 °C (average) in other games. According to my Laptop manufacturer ( ASUS ) Mys cpu Max Temp acceptable is around 105 °C

Please is anyone there in the same situation as me ?

Thank you.

Well your deffinitely throttling at that temperature. That is incredibly hot for sustained temps. You may have even done damage if you have been playing for extended periods over months over 90C on the cpu. That acceptable max temp is the temp your system shuts down at to prevent catastrophic failure. Keep in mind at 100C your at boiling point and many soft solders can melt or turn to dust at such a sustained temp, Your entire system is feeling the heat albeit lower then the core your still pushing into the range low grade solder dies. If your system is Dust caked this can also literally burn causing permanent damage to components.

Try downloading Ryzen controller and setting your max cpu temp, Your spikes of low fps are most likely your system literally throttling down to the lowest core frequency in an attempt to not hit 105c, It's like downshifting in a manual transmission, you slow down fast and it isn't always graceful . Set the temp max and your system will throttle to prevent hitting the point where it will throttle down to the lowest frequency all of a sudden.

Consider replacing the thermal paste even if it was done well it has degraded at those temps, don't know exactly which model you have but those Asus laptops have ♥♥♥♥♥ cooling. The cpu and gpu share a heatpipe for example. Try lifting the back of the laptop and inch or two to increase ventilation. Doing so cuts 10 celsius off my cpu.

It seems Valheim is poorly optimized for AMD , unfortunately this is becoming more common with non console ported games in EA. Those command lines you added are designed for Directx. In my testing running them with vulkan enabled caused heat spikes. Vulkan already does what those commands do. The launch command for true fullscren on valheim is -window-mode exclusive alt+enter twice once entering game if still in borderless window. You can easily tell because if you alt tab full screen with minimize. Keep in mind this is useless for Vulkan as Vulkan runs in borderless window with full screen emulation.

If you feel this is false in anyway i urge you to contact Asus and have them clarify that running your system sustained 90c+ is bad for it, 100+ is absolutely crazy to even attempt.
2:13 pm, October 11, 2022
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