redgreen999 replied to the plains December 10, 2021 @ 7:56:47 pm PST

its the current end game. Think its meant to be hard at 1st. Its similar to the jump from black forest to swamp.

Oil blobs are worse yet at first go. I haven't had trouble with fulings until there were 6 around me with a beserker. Unless fulings are starred, they don't have a lot of hit points. The atgeir has a secondary attack that is good for crowd control when there are 2 or 3 of them.

Once you get drops you can make a fire resistance potion and work towards padded armor.

Deathsqutios haven't killed me yet. I have silver armor and they only take maybe 30 hp on surprise attack. Then I wait for them to circle around and when they come straight in I use secondary atgeir attack again. 1 hit takes them out. I have not had more than 2 at a time so far.

Oil blobs I have not figured out yet. I think we all need to tame a lox about the 1st thing. Maybe 2 lox. That is my next game goal.
6:13 am, December 11, 2021
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