SPooKie replied to Upgrade to iron armor or stick with troll hide? October 2, 2021 @ 4:12:47 pm PDT

Originally posted by Damnion:
I beat Bonemass and went to the mountains. Those wolves are no joke. Currently running maxed troll hide, the headlamp circlet, an abyss dagger and iron buckler. Eating carrot soup, turnip stew, and sausages. The wolves are tearing me up and I'm having trouble locating silver so far. Should I go back and make iron armor or is it not worth the time? (Honestly I thought people were just whining about the wolves, like they whined about the swamp, and the black forest which weren't really a problem.)

Also is it just me or do some of the mobs that had their attacks sped up not match the animations. I'm a parry and counterattack kinda guy, but I'm having issues getting the timing right on a few creatures and bosses. It's hard to practice when they can 1 or 2 shot you. It's especially annoying when you have yet to get the resources for the zone you are starting, so your shield is pretty much useless.
There a few things you can try first

-Ooze bombs to poison them
-Serpent shield has yet to fail me, but landing a hit while blocking while walking backwards towards my fort is a bit difficult against 3 wolves, but has succeeded every time. It takes a LOT of patience though
-1 or two wolves can be side stepped then stabbed with a spear and shield. Troll offsets the movement penalty of the shield. Tasty mead + 2:1 stamina over health for food (sea serpent stew is 80 HP)

I use tier 3 full troll and a tier 2 serpent shield with a tier 2 ancient bark spear
I myself have thought about getting full Iron for Wake Up We're Under Attack moments
It's like metal PJ's. JK . . . kinda maybe

11:13 pm, October 2, 2021
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