MistrBill replied to Least useful skills? January 29, 2022 @ 12:38:53 pm PST

Originally posted by TyresTyco:
Well.. it's just number juggling at this point. It's just so that valheims progression system is pretty tight numbered.

They could just increase the scale within.. everything.. and since we don't have all the content the chances for a number tweak surely is high. Unless.. they continue to just add +2 (armor and weapons) or +0,01 increase to whatever skill.

Small numbers aren't exciting. Thats the "rpg loot with +0,5% more whatever is useless and a waste of time " discussion all over again. Thats also why people consider bronze .. useless.

I dont really like that.
With as much fun as it is already, it feels weird to think of this as an incomplete game. But yeah, I can imagine the skill system being one of the last things being tweaked. Same with the tech progression and so on.
9:13 pm, January 29, 2022
MistrBill 0 comments 0 likes