Bleiser replied to Oceans & Sailing May 8, 2022 @ 5:25:15 pm PDT
4th ship (trailer ship) and ships and the sea update
I love sailing in this game (I wish we had closer to sea of thieves but that's too much for this game I guess). I got so hyped when I found out there's a "trailer ship" ship type in game files. Its name comes obviously from the fact they used it a couple of times in a trailer. It does float if you spawn it but you can't sail on it which is sad because it looks cool. The devs pushed the update to sometime after mistlands update...
Regarding sailing I kinda dislike no wind situations especially when they last for a long time. It's not the most fun to experience. Also perhaps make serpent trophy float (it sinks).
What would you guys love to see in the update? More ships and stuff? Maybe new mechanics or something?
8:13 am, August 12, 2022