ThatTimGuy replied to Hp foods change the HP heal rate. But do Stamina foods change the Stamina rate? September 25, 2021 @ 8:22:26 pm PDT

Maximum stamina is a factor in the equation which determines stamina regeneration rate, according to the Valheim Wiki Stamina article[]. It caps out at +12 stam/sec and scales down to a minimum of +6/sec while regenerating. The higher your maximum stamina, the more time you spend closer to the maximum rate after depleting your bar.

However, increasing your stamina capacity has a smaller effect on recovery than Resting, being Rested, staying warm and dry, or drinking a stamina mead. Manage your conditions first and worry about food balance second.
5:13 am, September 26, 2021
ThatTimGuy 0 comments 0 likes