Qbertos replied to SP Valheim plus settings? July 15, 2022 @ 10:15:44 am PDT

Regarding V+ gatherings so they be less grindy...there are 3 areas you can modify. See the recommended values below.

Reminder to set the section to 'True' to enable it...

Modify the amount of resources dropped on destruction of objects (this includes chitin, stone, all types of wood, and all other mineable resources like copper or silver).
Recommend 100 for most of these, maybe keep fine wood at 50

Modify the amount of resources gathered from interactable objects.
-Edibles: Carrots, Blueberries, Cloudberrys, Raspberries, Mushrooms, Blue Mushrooms, Yellow -Mushrooms, Onions and else!
-Flowers and Ingredients : Barley, CarrotSeeds, Dandelions, Flax, Thistle, TurnipSeeds, Turnips
-Materials : BoneFragments, Flint, Stone, Wood
-Valuables : Ambers, AmberPearls, Coins, Rubys
-Surtling cores on item stands inside dungeons.
Recommend 50 for this group, you can go higher but you'll need more chests to store the stuffs

Modify the drop chance of resources from destroyed objects that have a drop chance like muddy scrap piles.
Recommend 200 or even 300 since this is a percentage value. 200 = 60% drop chance IIRC

Adjust as needed for more/less grindage. Cheers and good luck!
2:13 am, July 16, 2022
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