ec928 replied to Is it necessary to have a full set of iron armor when going against Bonemass? June 6, 2021 @ 4:38:54 am PDT

Originally posted by Megahurts:
Originally posted by ec928:

btw: I agree you can do it with fully upgraded bronze armor as well, but it's a bit less efficient and uses up lots of bronze. If you hate mining, going from troll to iron armour is faster. And bronze is weaker than iron, so just be a bit more careful.

Aye bronze is not as good as iron, but it can be more plentiful and easier to come by than iron. IMO, and because 'reasons', skipping iron is ultimately more efficient. At swamp level, just use iron to make (and upgrade) a pick, forge upgrades and some nails for comfort items.

Yes, I can understand that perspective, especially as the forge upgrades need quite a bit of iron. It depends on play style but I always had plenty of iron from exploring the crypts, but struggled on bronze because it felt you needed to mine 3 times as much (i.e. 2 copper + 1 tin = 1 bronze) and I hated mining... So yes some of this depends on your approach and personal preferences. My view is that as long as you're having fun playing the game and progressing, it's a valid approach.
2:13 pm, June 6, 2021
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