Achsin replied to getting slaughtered by the tar blobs -- help?? how do you fight them February 21, 2022 @ 9:55:42 pm PST
Make sure you have the rested buff up and decent food for hp/stamina. It's easy enough and worth it to plop down a campfire and sit down for 20 seconds to get the rested buff up. If there's heavy wind or rain you might have to hide the fire behind a rock or build a small shelter for it. The stamina regen increase is super helpful for avoiding their attacks.
Drag a Lox or two past them. Or a pack of Fulings. They'll start fighting each other and you should be able to pick off the survivors. If there are still too many tar blobs left find another group of Lox/Fulings to bring to them.
If you have to fight them on your own, kite them with a bow and/or dodge behind rocks/trees. Always move to the side and don't approach them in a straight line, keeping your distance gives you more time to dodge their attacks. Try and aggro just one at a time if you can, fighting more than one at a time makes it exponentially harder.
They'll respawn at the tar pits after a while unless you place something to prevent it (like a campfire or three).
Drag a Lox or two past them. Or a pack of Fulings. They'll start fighting each other and you should be able to pick off the survivors. If there are still too many tar blobs left find another group of Lox/Fulings to bring to them.
If you have to fight them on your own, kite them with a bow and/or dodge behind rocks/trees. Always move to the side and don't approach them in a straight line, keeping your distance gives you more time to dodge their attacks. Try and aggro just one at a time if you can, fighting more than one at a time makes it exponentially harder.
They'll respawn at the tar pits after a while unless you place something to prevent it (like a campfire or three).
6:13 am, February 22, 2022