hazelrah replied to 16 Sept why give a firm date? August 26, 2021 @ 8:24:58 am PDT
as long as we're in ea, we're the play testers. the roadmap is the longview, best guess of when things planned to be in game are likely to be added. if they're giving a hard date for something, it's saying "we're pretty darn close to having this ready and can say with a reasonable amount of certainty that we can push this out in x days"... but again don't expect a finished or polished product. that's not what we're doing here. also totally check out the trailer. devs have stated they are not giving away details bc the game is about exploration & discovery and they don't want to spoil that by listing anything the update contains. they brought in an animation studio to put together a little cartoon, and it's honestly pretty cool.
5:13 pm, August 26, 2021