J-&Dre replied to Forge and Workbench improvements is ridiculously cluttering up any work space. August 22, 2021 @ 10:41:21 am PDT

I see your points, all all of you and I have used a similar solution, but can't imagine it is the intended way of doing it. Besides I think the models for them looks nice and want to use them as part of the decoration.

I would think the person/persons who used time and effort to make them would appreciate that their models is not hidden away under the floor, or on a shelf. Imagine how tall you'd have to be to use the anvil on the top shelf?

It is probably an easy fix to make the requirements a little bit less strict for placing them. Twice the range for each item would help immensely.

Edit: Actually it is both the requirement that is the problem.

1. That it needs to be close to the forge or workbench.
2. But away from the other improvements.

It creates a logistical paradox.
8:13 pm, August 22, 2021
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