SiEgE replied to stamina July 18, 2022 @ 5:10:37 am PDT
Whenever there is a stamina issue, there is always those 3 that are causing the problem: last night i helped a guy fight bonemass but my stamina was hitting zero very quick,any ideas why?.
1. Presence of debuffs.
2. Lack of right buffs.
3. Overusing your stamina resources.
1. Make sure you're not trying to fight it during night, or else your Wet debuff will be boosted by Cold debuff. Start the fight in the morning if you're not sure you can kill it until the dawn.
2. Make sure you're eating enough food that grants stamina. Sometimes, having more stamina means taking less hits, so you don't have to go all health, even versus bosses. Always have the Resting buff. Maximize the Resting duration. Make sure you're combining your basic food into super meals to maximize the bonuses. You don't have to always eat them. You can reserve the best food for boss fights. Preserve your Eikthyr buff for when your Resting buff is depleted/to make the final push. Brew yourself some stamina potions and Mead to speed up your stamina regeneration.
3. Don't necessarily jump or run or shoot. Conserve your hits. You can raise the ground around the Masses spawnpoint to make it easier for you to run around without being slowed down by water/so you don't have to jump over it. Upgrade your weapons so you have to do less hits, and upgrade your armor so you have to evade less.
2:13 pm, July 18, 2022