Polonius Ulf replied to Is there a way to stop World save lag shudders? August 4, 2022 @ 7:29:11 pm PDT

Originally posted by vinyblaster:
Originally posted by Polonius Ulf:
The easiest thing IG can do to make saving better is to replace arbitrary timed saves with event-driven saving: Save when the player sleeps, sits down, goes through a portal, creates something with the hammer, etc. all fanning in to the same save method which then decides whether a save is really necessary.

The coding involved is to write a line calling the save method at the beginning of any action that can take a little extra time. It isn't necessary to be exhaustive. The save method looks at, for instance, the time since the last save and then decides whether to actually perform a save. Eliminate the timer-based save.

Or, now hear me out cause this one is gonna shock a lot of people, how about letting the player manually save? If your save is gonna freeze my game for 3 seconds, maybe let me save manually when it doesn't happen in the middle of a fight or something.

With one drawback: An on-demand save allows you to save your world before trying something risky. One cure is possible if Valheim starts keeping score:* deduct n points for each on-demand save.

This same drawback applies to a lesser-degree to event-driven saves. But the pia of manipulating that system looks like a sufficient deterrent to me, when the save method will still use it's own criteria to decide whether to save or not, so stand and sit down all you like.

*Score-keeping would give us a reason to accumulate loot until Valheim's grand finale is written, for which maybe we need mercenaries.
11:13 am, August 5, 2022
Polonius Ulf 0 comments 0 likes