Facewound replied to Not diggin' Mistlands [3 Bad+3 Good Things] December 12, 2022 @ 2:34:06 pm PST

Do you play solo? I play duo; we struggled during our first day, but now its like a walk in the park. We die only if we get too cocky tbh

So, to address
Bad things:
1) Its actually like a maze. You cant navigate it as previously. Yeah, its frustrating when you start, but after couple hours you'll get used to it.
2) Don't want to pull GIT GUD card, but you have to learn how to parry in order to kill new mobs. Also, spear is OP for Mistlands. You can stunlock seekers with it (parry -> 3 hits -> stunlock -> finish it off), and kill soldiers way faster than with any other weapons (parry -> special attack right to the ass). Gjalls die after 5-6 throws. Also, Bonemass buff is the best buff hands down, ultimate panic button. And dont forget to always have Rested buff.
3) Didn't notice it, can't say much. Maybe try to cheese by pulling mobs to dvergrs?

If you play solo, maybe try to find someone to play with?
12:13 am, December 13, 2022
Facewound 0 comments 0 likes