Lecherous Lychee 🐸 replied to Silver with no wishbone December 29, 2021 @ 11:47:39 pm PST

Originally posted by Trigger:
Any tips,playing without killing any bosses,got bronze by getting a troll to mine for me,iron by using a chair to get into the crypt,so far I've explored 4 or 5 mountains, no luck with silver though,any ideas???

I run around with Stagbreaker on tall mountains, then use it to smack the ground. If it says "0 damage" or "No damage", usually it means there is either a boulder of stone or a vein of silver near where I smacked. Often times, I have to dig quite deep to find it. In most cases, I had to dig about 2 to 3 times the height of my character to reach the vein. In uncommon times, i find silver veins exposed to the sky.

As Woz and Peath mentioned, where you find it, has to be high enough to spawn golems.
9:13 am, December 30, 2021
Lecherous Lychee 🐸 0 comments 0 likes