shadain597 replied to Is there a way to ward off the waves that attack our base? November 8, 2022 @ 1:28:34 pm PST

Originally posted by Aoji Cresini Terminus Roxos:
well, sure, but there isnt another way? I like to spend most of my time building, so moving from spot to spot wouldn't be practical
Earthen walls + ditches + spawn-blocking buildings (i.e. workbench) will keep all the pesky land-based mobs outside. Alternatively, to enable most raids, you need 3 "base" structures in close proximity to each other, so if you space them out enough the only raids that might happen are the ones that are specific to the player location.

Also, I think there's (unsupported) mods and devcommands that can stop raids.
12:13 am, November 9, 2022
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