Bob replied to Deer seem easy to hunt November 8, 2021 @ 12:09:48 am PST
Alright, but they aren't going to stand still and allow you to beat on them with a blunt object until they die. Do any of you guys actually hunt deer in real life?
Quite often when mildly alerted they will freeze (like a deer in the headlights) since it is their inherent nature to let their natural coloring hide them while they take a second to evaluate the situation. Fauns are even worse as I have almost stepped on them while hiking or hunting cross country. They visually blend in and have no odor to attract natural predators and remaining still is a defense mechanism.
Things may have changed in game since launch, I wouldn't know since I have only played H&H, but they rarely are spooked into action if I approach from their downwind side, even at a full sprint. I love the wind direction indicator in the corner of the mini-map....![]()
Issue in game is that wind doesn't matter. Just charge at them and they will get stuck on trees and detect you much later.
9:13 am, November 8, 2021