Grailoch replied to 100 days into a permadeath/no portals run. June 7, 2022 @ 8:37:42 am PDT

Originally posted by Mr. Moustache:
I'm kinda worried about the swamps if I'm being honest. I think that's where I'll end up dying, but we'll see.

How have you been doing with the Draugr raids? The archers are what concern me. They can snipe me from great distance. Yesterday I farmed chitin for harpoon and abyssal dagger. Now that I have those upgraded to the extent my pre-iron workbench can get them, I literally have every piece of equipment I want to use fully upgraded. I am at a standstill. I guess and can also continue to farm. Maybe try to get a boar farm going. I have a crater from copper mining fairly close to my base I could breed boars in.

But, I either have to go out to kill Elder or venture into the swamps for root armor to progress any further.

I am worried about dying in swamps too. I think that may be where it happens.
5:13 pm, June 7, 2022
Grailoch 0 comments 0 likes