GunsForBucks replied to Skeletons in my rack April 5, 2022 @ 10:23:37 am PDT

Originally posted by captainamaziiing:
If you want your veggies to grow, wait inside a troll cave or burial chamber etc. Safe from raids, and the timer keeps ticking on your garden.
Had a base in the black forest on top of a surface cave entrance. I went in the cave after an event started and the timer did not count down even though i was in the cave and dead center in the red zone on the map. Figured crypt was high or low enough to not be in the area even though it was on the map.

Not really want to go in a black forest crypt during a raid event.. I would have assumed a troll cave to be the same? They would just endlessly destroy your stuff.
8:13 pm, April 5, 2022
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