.eReN. replied to disappointed with the magical direction November 22, 2022 @ 5:48:07 pm PST

I don't like the fact that they implemented some ♥♥♥♥ magic. They wanted to make a game based on Norse Mythology, not some random D&D. I wonder when did this change...

And i hate the fact that the new 2h hammer looks like weapon from Monster Hunter!
Just take a look at it! It's head is BIGGER THAN OUR TORSO!

Whole Mistlands biome now feels like something out of place, it looks too good, too sharp.
It feels like playing Valheim 2 while im there.

My girlfriend could see me playing for a while today, and she asked me what is this game (she played Valheim for a moment) and i told her that it's just Valheim.
She said that it's impossible because it looks totally different, and asked me if this is some part 2 or something...

Looks like they hired some new people, who brought a little bit too much ♥♥♥♥ ideas to this game (like this HUGE AF HAMMER).
3:13 am, November 23, 2022
.eReN. 0 comments 0 likes