blprice61 replied to Where do players get the idea that they should build one 'main' base and stick everything inside it? July 3, 2022 @ 5:49:35 am PDT
A properly designed outpost does not need raid defenses, only defenses against locals. This makes it much easier and faster to build.
Yes crafting station level is a thing, so is repair station level - every item that is manufactured has two levels, not necessarily the same - the repair station level required and the manufacturing station level required. The repair station level requirement is always equal to or mostly significantly less than the manufacturing station level. An common example is troll armor, needs level 2 workbench to repair but needs level 5 workbench for manufacturing at the max level.
yes I am aware of that. What are u trying to imply here? Your outpost crafting station dont need to be max lv? Okay then where u going to make max lv equip? Again if u have portal why even have those crafting station in the first place. Just tp to main for repair. I am just saying its kinda pointless when u have portal.
I know its counter-intuitive - but the main base should have the repair levels and the manufacturing outpost near the mining operations needs the full kit. It is heavily weighted towards the forge based because metals, I mean for workbench/food prep/potions/etc the common idiom as I understand it works fine and makes sense.
PS: Sorry that was clear as mud. The goal is to reduce ore/metal bar transport distance/time - placing the metal manufacturing closer to the mines than the 'main base' does that.
2:13 pm, July 3, 2022