Vazkulator replied to My thoughts on Mistlands, actual constructive criticism & confusion around the "vision of Valheim" February 14, 2023 @ 4:01:25 pm PST

Originally posted by sirstevolot:
Originally posted by Vazkulator:
If you truly cared about difficulty, the things you would be arguing about would be something like;
- more engaging of combat mechanics.
Rather than flat artificial difficulty

- more complexity in utilizing weapons and side accessories.
Rather than aesthetically theme/nature breaking fogs and creature content

- improved general balance with fluidity of synnergetic procs through buffs & debuffs.
Rather than creating an environment that is hostile against replayability that creates just more reasons for people to open the console to fly past all that it was originally meant to be.

-Like weak spots on enemies that currently exists? Like parries, kiting, using bombs/meads, managing stamina/eitr? Pretty engaging imo.

-See above, but also I've made functional hybrid builds regarding almost every weapon or armor in the game at varying stages of the game. Get creative and change your gear depending on the biome you're exploring.

-Solo player, multiple play-throughs, no mods or console commands because I love the game how it's meant to be. "Replayability" as you say is present already and it's still early access lol. I can't wait for more content but I have a lot of world on multiple chars left to explore and plunder so I'm contented with the adventures I take myself on.

The vision of Valheim is in the hands of IG, let us consumers remember that. We can offer suggestions, but I lean towards letting the artists do their thing :D
damage multiplier in hitboxes is very mildly speaking in terms of mechanically engaging but no, kiting is not a mechanic but a very old strat with avoiding something more mechanical rather than straight up avoiding artificial difficulty but is commonly used in primitive games since we had no options for more complexity back in the old days and kiting just simply became the only option to solve damage/health inflations.

bombs however yeah, its a nice side accessory but isnt technically providing much exclusive purpose to the fight but could definitely be updated to more or do different to bring out its potential

I dont think the game is in the stage for me to bring out "hybrid builds" which is a term often loosely used with no real meaning to it in most games where people want to do something "different" but only ends up making things less attractive for people who wish to further improve playstyle complexity

this is a well established topic from WoW and ESO where the devs spent way too many years trying to develop "hybridisation" which end result only ended up making things too simple and all the most hardcore fans dropped the game

hybridisation for now looks more or less only like complementing specific set pieces with the least drawbacks together with pieces that provide a bonus, but the results would make much difference in either playstyle or mechanical engagement unless potentially went with a bow/magica build

I agree that its nice to be able to provide feedback even if im not sure what direction this game is heading in the first place with too many conflicting natures and developers own ideals seem to be conflicting with whats already available in front of us but im hoping at least the content related to Surtr and Hel will allow them to express the visions of the dev team a bit better.
12:13 am, February 15, 2023
Vazkulator 0 comments 0 likes