dredger replied to LongSwords June 23, 2022 @ 1:41:22 pm PDT

Originally posted by Jabberwock:
It fills the 2-handed nitch while being a sword class. Swords need some love anyway they are the least supported weapon type atm. There are only 4 swords and they are all basic metal materials with nothing unique besides doing more damage than the last and all having the same sword moveset. Nothing in the game is weak to slash, yet there are multiple important mobs that are resistant to it. The sword does not fill multiple purposes such as the axe.

I personally have zero care if a 2h sword appeared in viking mythos or reality or not. It in no way feels like an immersion breaking item in a fantasy game that holds hundreds of other immersion breaking elements to it's source material. Vikings never used a bow covered in guck that somehow automatically poisoned it's arrows or drank potions that made them resist fire melting their skin either and I could go on for literally hours.

Mytho compatibility is not really the problem. Problem is there is already a huge slash 2hander filling that role, greatsword has to be really unique to worth picking. Sure the animations could be a bit different than the battleaxe, but overall it would end up been another slash cleaver, atleast battleaxe can chop too. I see this viable either if there is no mistlands axe coming and you are forced to grab it for slash or it deals magical dmg like the silver tier weapons.
Overall, i agree as well that swords need more love.
Hmm, maybe make secondary deal pierce?
11:13 pm, June 23, 2022
dredger 0 comments 0 likes