adamg15 replied to This Game Has it in For Me June 3, 2021 @ 3:35:49 pm PDT

Those seem guaranteed to happen sometimes. Especially when you're rushing / not waiting for a proper travel time (example, at night / during storms you're more likely for serpent dont travel during then if you dont want to encounter them), and sometimes it comes just because the RNG is being stupid at that point, and it has no idea how low you are on resources.

Ive ragequit once or twice after B.S, but learned from it. Always have some backup armor (your last upgraded gear often does), back up poison / frost resistance potions, as well as healing, stamina, and mead, and backup weapons.

Also, be sure to exploit the corpse run for some of the B.S when it comes to retrieval. Once you hit the gravestone, you're invincible for about a min. Not until you hit it though. It meant to give time to organise your ♥♥♥♥. Til then, the only buff is a lack of skill drain (make sure to be rested before you leave too).

When I was killed by a random Deathsquito during my Bonemass battle, I did just that, as I he was low on health. Grabbed my mace, and naked invinciblity bashed the bastard / and the corresponding slimes, to death. He had already killed the Deathsquito squad (and took damage from them as well).

I feel you with this post. Sometimes it feels like an avalanche of ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥. Pays to take a break and reevaluate your strategy.

Edit : also always carry mats for a portal (sometimes you can leave the greydward eyes behind, as those can easily be farmed in a BF), and leave an open portal at home with a tag of 'emergency' 'explore', or whatever suits you. Then, if you can find a safe spot, pallisade it off, and lay it down, you can always get back to home to restock.
11:13 pm, June 3, 2021
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