Nightstorm replied to An uninspired solution to a problem that didn't really exist September 19, 2021 @ 11:59:33 am PDT

I think the biggest problem was the cooking before was so simple and they just made something that worked overly complicated now.

Also I will say again, the Devs did this because they stated that people just kept eating the top 3 foods over and over again and now you have "choice".

But you don't have choice, you have the top 3 HP Foods and the top 3 Stamina Foods, and players will literally just mix and match those 6 foods as needed.

3 HP
2 HP 1 Stam
1 HP 2 Stam
3 Stam

You have 4 choices now instead of 1 choice, but they didn't solve this problem, they just overly complicated it.

Instead of nerfing the player or the food system, they should of just made harder mobs, more mobs, or more intelligent AI systems.

The fluidity of combat is gone now, because most players will just go for stamina so they can "feel" like they can move. But having literally no hp means they don't have room for error anymore, and thus you will die very fast and it will just be more frustrating than fun.
8:13 pm, September 19, 2021
Nightstorm 0 comments 0 likes