Yakumo_2020 replied to i kinda feel the iron age needs to be toned down a bit January 30, 2022 @ 11:04:38 pm PST

Gotta love how almost all the replies so far are all boil down to "I don't/didn't have a problem with the swamps, heres what you should do".

None of which address any of the OPs points, either for or against.

My 2 Yen,
I agree with the OP that the cost of the initial iron gear needs to be lowered, mostly because you then need even more stacks of iron for the padded iron gear unlocked in the Prarie and all the additional iron you need for the upgrades to the crafting stations. Getting that much in solo play is a time consuming grind that I found to be really boring.

Gathering all that iron requires players to deal with the constant wet debuff that pretty much negates the rested buff and the constnat risk of poisoning so you have to always have a poison resist potion going, which makes using any other kind of mead problematic.

It makes the swamps a huge and, for my group and I at least, unpleasent grind.

Something as simple as being able to teleport just the ingots would be a huge help in easing the grind for iron. But the devs have made it clear that metal ore and ingots will never be allowed to travel via portals. Ever.

so, some possible changes;
reduce the amount of iron needed for the iron aromor, weapons, tools and it's upgrade.
mkae the iron lighter so more can be carried out in a single run, this is more an boon in solo play.
give the swamps some variation in weather so it is possible to explore without the constant wet debuff.

I don't have solid numbers but it seems that currently players have to spend more time in the swamps just getting iron than they have to spen in any other single biom. And I would bet that iron will be needed in some major capacity for the gear and wepons the Midstlands and future bioms will add.

As for Bonemass. I've only killed him once in solo. I didn't think he was too hard, just a huge grind just hitting him. As was pointed out he really doesn't have much as mechanics gos, at no point is there some special attack the player can use to do major damage. Its just hit, hit, hit, block, hit, hit, retreat, let stam regen, repeat, repeats, etc.
Boring. So I killed Bonemass, got the trouphy and wishbone, and have never thought about killing him again for the fun of it. Rlkthyr, Elder, and Moder, yeah, the fights were fun enough my group and I wanted to do them again. But not Bonemass, no one thought it was a fun fight. Yagluth was mostly the same, just had more HP and was just as much a grind. Only reasons tto do him again is if the "Yagluth things" make something really cool that players will want to make tones of what ever they make.

/ ny 2 Yen
9:13 am, January 31, 2022
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