Uvirith replied to Things That Annoy Me October 4, 2021 @ 9:43:33 pm PDT
That is THE worst thing about Conan by a longshot. I hated that Inventoryfilling, always rehotkeying, waiting for stuff to finish crafting before I can buildsystem in Conan so much, it actually was the reason I quit. I
- Construction Menu: Make it like Conan. Build pieces you need using the Workbench with you being forced to use it for everything, put the pieces in your inventory and place them in 1-8 hotkey slots to use them. It's to clunking having to switch between pieces by having to right click to bring up a menu and then select the piece needed over and over again. The Hammer should only be used to repair.
A good buildingsystem would be Fallout78. It has its own UI and its own Stash for building items.
5:13 am, October 5, 2021