Only-He-Stands-There replied to Does anybody else feel like swamps were nerfed bit too much? December 15, 2021 @ 3:48:28 am PST

Originally posted by renlish:
It must be your map seed. We get mob after mob after mob on ours. To the point where it's almost become a joke. We just need to step foot in the swamp and abominations pop up all over. Leeches are everywhere. Can't go a few feet without smacking into the smelly armpit of a Draugr. Crypts are a bit light on the ground though, I will admit.
sure that it's 206, not 205? Besides, spawns increasing or decreasing based on a map seed to a point of having two pretty much different gaming experinces sounds highly unlikely.
12:13 pm, December 15, 2021
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