Lil brekky replied to Can we have plantable shrubs and bushes? January 2, 2023 @ 7:15:11 pm PST

Hiking to the same damn berry spawn every 2-3 days isnt "experiencing the world", it is tedium. If that logic held, why why are carrots turnips onions plantable? Shouldnt they exclusively spawn randomly, full grown, or drop from mobs, to encourage players to "experience the world"?

Why is "experiencing the world" even a basis for design decisions when the world is a smear of copypasted semi-emptiness?

Nono sir - players have shown that their preferred way of "experiencing the world" isnt by pacing the same path over and over again, but by rearranging that world, investing in tools that allow them to reshape it to perfection.

Show me the player who would be disappointed to unlock the ability to dig up or plant berry bushes. Tell me how their play experience would be worsened by that.
6:13 am, January 3, 2023
Lil brekky 0 comments 0 likes