Bored Peon replied to Bridge Engineering Issue April 5, 2022 @ 1:19:23 am PDT
I build walls extending downwards. If you offset the short wall with a full size wall it gives a reference point to extend downwards easier. Get the wall to where you want to place whatever then remove the walls after.Then you are more patient then I am ;p. Valheims building is already pretty fiddely for me, sometimes it is hard to get stuff to snap perfectly where you want it to, especially when building something below you. Not really. You just have to use placeholders and get the camera angles to see the surface to snap to.
If you need to get a better camera angle then slap down some piece to make a temporary scaffolding to stand on.
Well technically it is post #2 I guess.Post #3? I don't see that. Yeah, I already covered that in post #3, I wanted that height as a goal.
I created the topic to find out if anyone had tricks to finish without using iron or stone. I found my answer thanks to Mharr suggestion with the trees.
I really hate making roads on slopes because it is a pain to get that good angle and maintain without having to go over it a dozen times smoothing out the humps. Especially when dealing with mountainsides. Doing switchback roads works but again a long pain in the ass. So I wanted to see about just making a bridge going straight across. Nah, I just wanted to build a big ass bridge. I could have easily made it lower or even filled in the ravine if I wanted. I also could have taken some iron form another world as well, was just seeing if it could be done with just the wooden beams.
As for the build system it aint bad and is pretty flexible compared to Fallout 4 and No Man's Sky. Although I would love to have the free camera system that NMS has to build.
11:13 am, April 5, 2022